Out_Arquias [HUM853]

Investigación para los límites en arquitectura outarquias@us.es


Outarquias HUM853, researching group “on the limits of architecture”, unfolds its activity in three different areas: Symptomatology of the Present and Architectural Action, Architecture and Visual Culture, and Dissolution: from the Subject to Architecture. From these fields of knowledge we race academic, institutional and managerial projects, playing different roles such as consultants, directors or participants. We develop the following researching works in the realm of architecture: Space, Public Space (fear, poverty, counterspaces), Hybridization and Crossculturality, Sustaninability, Architecture and Aesthetics of the XXth century and present times, Social-Spatial Processes, Biotechnology, Processes of Generation of Form, Spatialization of knowledge, Innovation and Mapping, Landscape. The group belongs to two International Studies networks. The first one is the PUC Network PUC (Urban Contemporary Problematics), and the second network is the RESE on social-spatial processes. It belongs to the iuacc (University Institute of Architecture and Construction Sciences) and to the Architectural Department of History, Theory and Composition of the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Seville University. Members: Mariano Perez Humanes, Carlos Tapia MartinCarmen Guerra de Hoyos, Natalia de Carli, Eduardo Mayoral González, Simona Pecoraio, Juan Agudo Torrico, Elodia Hernández León, María Prieto Peinado, Natalia de Carli, Carolina Prieto de la Viesca, Marta López-Marcos, Jorge Minguet Medina, María Dolores Gutiérrez Mora, Pablo Pérez Ganfornina, Beatriz Castellano Bravo, David Soria Pedraza, Claudia María Sacristán Pérez, Laura Tena Sánchez,  and Silvestre Vivo Millán (Col).Recent books (see on scribd) (see on Issuu):

  1. Capturar Forma con Artes Prohibidas. Saarbrücken. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. 2011.
  2. El Territorio Como ‘demo’: Demo(a)Grafías, Demo(a)Cracias y Epidemias. Sevilla. U. Itnal Andalucía. 2011.
  3. Hibridación y Transculturalidad en los Modos de Habitación Contemporánea. Sevilla. Universidad de Sevilla. 2010
  4. Actas Resultado de los Seminarios Internacionales de Apoyo al Proyecto de Investigación Htmhc. Sevilla. Universidad de Sevilla. 2009.
  5. El Presente de los Procesos Socioespaciales. Soportes para lo Común y lo Identitario. Sevilla. U. Itnal Andalucía. 2009.
  6. Sobre la Situación Actual de la Arquitectura: Genealogías, Diagnósticos e Interpretación.|| About of Actual Architecture: Commons, Diagnostics and Interpretation. Sevilla, España. Universidad de Sevilla. 2005.
  7. La Contemporaneidad de la Arquitectura Rural: Adaptación Resistencia o Dilatación. Sevilla. Universidad de Sevilla. Secretariado de Publicaciones. 2008.

Recent Chapters:

  1. Extended biotechnological bodies within a posthumanistic framework. Universidad oberta de catalunya. Barcelona, 2011.
  2. “An Inhuman Eco-Limit: Fear and Social-Spatial Segregation” in Fear within Melting Boundaries. Inter-Disciplinary Press. Oxford, United Kingdom. 2011
  3. Creación, Novedad y Tecnología en Arquitectura Contemporánea. Arquitectura e Innovación. Textos y Guia para el Master de Innovación en Arquitectura. Sevilla. Miatd Series. 2010.
  4. El Tercer Espacio on Translation: Hibridación, Subversión, Transgresión, Blasfemia y Herejía. Transversal/Transversal. Sevilla, España. Universidad de Sevilla. 2009.
  5. Las Dimensiones Profundas de la Materia Arqui-Tectónica. La Materia de la Arquitectura. Ciudad Real. Fundación Miguel Fisac. 2009.
  6. Los Soportes de Intermediación. Virtualidad & Conocimiento. Valparaíso, Chile. Universidad de Arte y Ciencias Sociales Arcis. Chile. 2009.
  7. Mil «Cuasi» Territorios. Soportes para lo Común y lo Identitario. Geopolíticas: Espacios de Poder y Poder de los Espacios. Medellín, Colombia. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin (Colombia). 2008.
  8. (Publication’s Blog)
Expertise offered.The identification of emerging issues, «weak signals» and disruptive factors including«wild cards» in particular focussing on the EU Research and Innovation policies.

Our experience as interpreters of maps of knowledge to suggest different actors how to deal with managerial developments in current scenarios using new methodologies. We first prepare these maps inside the institutions to generate models of behavior in short and medium term, especially regarding the realm of researching.

International projects financed with public funds endorse our recent trajectory. Among them we there are the following: “The originality of the Culture of the Copy”, “Prototypes for sustainability in a Public and European scale” and «Hybridization and Crossculturality for new ways of inhabiting and living».

The trends and tensions provoked by globalisation, international competition, climate

change, energy, ageing population, migration fluxes and security.

The potential role of Europe in shaping global governance (cf. G20, reforms of international

institutions such as UN, WB, IMF) and new territorial dynamics (cf. places of economic growth, of knowledge attractiveness, of social cohesion and cultural interactions).

 At the moment, the PhD. members of the group are directing nine doctoral dissertations and have formed more than 40 master researchers (Master in Sustainable Cities and Architecture and Master in Architecture, Innovation, Design and Technology). These master courses cover globalization, experimental energy and its social repercussion, borders (especially in the territory of the south of Spain) and immigration, slow city and decrease, fear in public space, etc.

The research topic that is being developed consists of a redefinition of the relationship between architecture, ecology and sustainability through the implementation of biotechnologies in the realm of architecture.

It tackles life engineering as a design methodology to redefine human and non-human agency from an ecological and posthumanistic approach. In doing so the work that is being done unfolds a theoretical framework regarding ecology, posthumanism, biotechnology and architecture. However it is also focused on the design and fabrication of real prototypes such as glowing devices powered with bioluminescent bacteria, 100% organic thermal insulation panels made of agricultural waste and mycelium, and microbial induced cementation of granular structures using bacteria.

Expertise offered for a second way:

Life sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable non-food products and processes

–          PhD currently being developed on Biosynthetic Architectures.

–          Stay in the Bioworks lab (http://terreform.blogspot.com/2008/12/bioworks-institute-website-launched.html) during one year developing projects relating Biotechnology and Architectural Design.

–          Research Bio-Design Project: Swarm Intelligence in Bioluminescent Micro-Organisms (http://greenwabii.com/?p=469). This project consists of designing glowing devices using populations of bioluminescent algae and bacteria for public ambient lighting, signs, billboards and screens, natural park faint illumination, etc.

–          Research Bio-Design Project: Growing Architecture through Mycelium and Agricultural Waste (http://greenwabii.com/?p=1). This project seeks to get thermal insulating and structural 100% organic panels through agricultural waste and mushroom roots.

–          Research Bio-Design Project: 3D Form Generator through Microbial Induced Cementation. This project is about cementing granular structures such as sand to obtain sandstone. Its potential uses can be applied to generate structures out of sand, improve soil stability, heal concrete cracks, restore buildings, etc.

–          Advanced Architectural Research (GSAPP, Columbia University, NY).

–          Master in Advanced Architectural Design (GSAPP, Columbia University).

–          Master in Advanced Architecture (IaaC, UPC Barcelona).

–          Master in Sustainable Cities and Architecture (iuaac, Seville University).

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