Out_Arquias [HUM853]

Investigación para los límites en arquitectura outarquias@us.es

Defensa de tesis doctoral «SPATIUM NEGATIO. Transitions in urban space representation through the perspective of negativity», de Marta López-Marcos

Defensa de tesis doctoral «SPATIUM NEGATIO. Transitions in urban space representation through the perspective of negativity», de la investigadora de outarquias Marta López-Marcos.

15 de junio de 2018, 11:30h

Sala Félix Pozo, ETS Arquitectura de Sevilla.

Dirigida por Carlos Tapia Martín (U. Sevilla), Grahame Shane (Columbia University, GSAPP), y Víctor Pérez Escolano (U. Sevilla)

El jurado está compuesto por:

Josep María Montaner. UP Barcelona. ETSAB

Carlos García Vázquez. U Sevilla. ETSAS

Carla Carmona Escalera. U. Sevilla Philosophy.

Polyxeni Mantzou. Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. Architecture

Daniel Jiménez Ferrera. U. Évora, Portugal.


Modernity could be explained through the process of subordination of space to time. The Cartesian division between res extensa and res cogitans already established the differentiation of two independent realms: the fìrst, abstract, exterior and exceeding the  realm of reason; the second, subjective and belonging to the inner dimension of mind,  through which knowledge and thought are possible. Western thought progressively associated these dimensions to space and time respectively, the latter becoming the privileged realm of subjective interior, idemified with human spirit and the thinking subject. However, this historical negation of space was put into question after the so-called «spatial turn,» in which social sciences recovered space as a central category during decades of social, political and economic transformations in a global scale.

The  understanding of space as a social product traversing multiple fìelds of knowledge led to a certain displacement of architecture, which until then had been considered to be the practically exclusive discipline of space. After decades of engagement with the progressive socio-political project of Western modernity and its subsequent crisis during  the last decades of the twentieth century, architecture retreated imo questions of form and its autonomy as a discipline; a debate that persists today in cercain academic and professional circles.

Under this scenario, now amplifìed with the global hegemony of (Western) capitalism, a revision of the category of space seems pertinent in order to determine its contemporary relation to the formal and socio-political dimensions of architecture. Although now deprived  from  the strength of dialectical approaches -harshly criticized by the major currents of contemporary philosophy-, the perspective of negativity and its multiple connotations may offer a renewed theoretical framework from which to understand if space is still a relevant element for a contemporary architecture in crisis. In this regard, the field of urban public space, as an ideological construction that materializes in the city, appears as a fruitful fìeld of study in which to trace transitions between dominant conceptions of space during the last centuries through negations (understood as the overcomings of space from different areas: temporal, productive, visual…); reverses (understood as counterspaces, the term coined by Henri Lefebvre to designate alternatives to abstract, capitalist space), and the multiple spatial practices that configure and take place in this type of space, extending the purely architectural and urban action.

The project is structured around the relations between dominant conceptions of space and the forms of exteriority, the main membranes through which Being spills out facing otherness beyond its subjective limits. Therefore, the articulation of the work responds to a series of back and forth drives: five movements and counter-movements towards the realms of the physical city, the body in space and the actual-virtual relations between human and non-human agents, interrupted by three seductiones from non-Western contexts (Beijing, Warsaw and Istanbul) to alter the prescribed path and put into  question the pervasive character of the notion of public space.

Table of contents :

(DE)CENTERING.            6

Diomede Islands. 10

Moonwatchers.      16

The Path of the Sun.              18

Decentering Europe (I).        29

Objectives of the project.      45

Challenging totalizing conceptions of space. 47

Counterspace and (ir)rationality as motor.        50

Socio-spatial processes in cities.          56

Architecture as a discipline.             57

Methodological approach.  60

Critical interpretive research.            66

Counterpublics and counternarratives.           70 (Extended) relational aesthetics.   72

Seductions and (counter)movements.              76

Spatium negatio.  89

Recovering negativity.       89

Space (as exteriority) and negativity.                106

Negative avant-gardes. Interactions in space, negativity and politics.                  116

Counterspaces in the city.                   134

On (the Politics of ) Space.  153

Space as a social product.                153

Architecture after the spatial turn. 165

Politics of the (global) city.                 177

Public space?   192

(RE)PLACING (or how the Western notion of space is challenged  through social practice in urban places)  217

Space and anti-space.             219

Leftover spaces.      232

The square as a socio-spatial product.                    241

SE-DUCTIO I: BEIJING.           267

New regime, new spaces.       270

Tiananmen square.                275

From China to the West and back.       285

(EM)BODYING (or how the corporeal emerges as a particular membrane between the interior/exterior spatial gap)                                                                        302

Against architecture.              307

(Counter)revolution and autonomy.       317

New publics and bodies in motion. From panoptic to panchoreographic.   331

SE-DUCTIO II: WARSAW.             357

Spaces-in-between. Oskar Hansen and the Open Form. 367

Anti-city, anti-monument.  377

Warsaw under construction.                 390

(TRANS)FORMING (or how the immaterial  supports an extended understanding of urban social space)                                                                        403

Specters of the city.                406

Inside/outside. Space-time compressions and flows.            419

Noopolitics and urban space.                437

SE-DUCTIO III: ISTANBUL.           463

«Crazy plans» and counter-plans.         467

Occupy! The case of Taksim.                 479

Rendering visible the invisible. Urban space as commons.                 489

(DIS)CLOSING.                505

Negativity beyond its borders.              506

Counterspaces as a tool for critique.  520

All that melted into air…   530

Urban politics and public spaces from a relational perspective.          537

Coda: Decentering Europe (II).            545

The West of the West.        546

East and South. Trajectories.           549

The moon over the archipelago.       553

ANNEX I: Interview with Steven K. Peterson.            565

A final comment by S.K. Peterson. 577

ANNEX II: Research map.       581


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